Saturday, September 5, 2009

Back to school.

A few days ago we went back to school.My teacher is miss cullinane.she is really nice.She does a lot of Irish but i dont mind.My favourite subject is history.I am in third class.Now I am in the senior yard now.


  1. Hi Mia
    I love your new blog! If you keep writing, in a few years time you will be able to look back on your blog and read the history of your own life! Enjoy exploring the senior yard. Love Jan

  2. Hi Mia
    History is a great subject to have as your favourite. It is so interesting to read of all the great events that happened through the ages. There always seemed to be a lot of wars going on all the time and I suppose it is the same today. Keep up the writing. I love to read about what you are doing. Lots of love. Granny
